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pork belly single ribbed 五花肉 单肋

pork belly single ribbed 五花肉 单肋

Brasil Chicken Brands consistently provides Frozen Pork Flank, Rind-On and Red and White Meat, and other premium pig cuts from Fresh production. Your order will be packaged with care in a biodegradable foam-insulated box with ice packs to maintain the right temperature.

Top-quality A-grade, 100% health certified, prompt delivery, and discount prices. contact us for full product details.

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Pork Belly Ribs for Sale

Pork belly Ribs for Sale are softboned highly adaptable and works well as more than just a roast.

As horseradish or when marinated on a skewer and used as a barbeque torch, it also tastes fantastic added to thick stews. This also a great option for folks who enjoy making Asian cuisine.

An important component of the pork carcass is the boneless, skin-on breast. It  obtained through deboning, which involves cutting the side from the peritoneum just behind the shoulder blades.

The meat processing sector makes extensive use of the raw materials, which are also consistently popular with customers.

Fresh Pork Belly Ribs                                                            Pork Belly, Single Rib

Pork belly with ribs

The portion has the ideal ratio of protein (10.1%) to fat (53%) in it. The raw product has an energy value of 510 kcal. The meat processing business makes extensive use of the raw ingredients.

The product’s organoleptic characteristics include a dense texture with even fat layers, a deep red color, and white fat layers with a creamy tint.

Fresh, unassuming, and without any sour or bitter overtones. Skin that  scalded, dry, and free of slimy or hairy areas. pork belly ribs near me

The skin-covered, boneless breast  best for:

Producing items that are ready to cook (raw barbeque, goulash), selling products to consumers in a cold state, and hot smoking, baking, or pickled products made from meat.

Product Specification.
Frozen Pork Specifications:
Detailed Description:
– Washed and clean.
– No blood.
– No bad smell.
– White skin.
– No bruises.
– No broken bones
– Moisture content: less than 3%.
– No black pads.
– Drainage: 0 to -5°C for 8 hours.
– No traces of carved deep wounds.
– No ammonia burns.
– Blasted at: -40°C.
– Storage at: -20°C
– 100% Fresh and Frozen
– During Transportation: minus 10~15C
-Shelf Life: 12 -24 months from production date
Safe for human consumption


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