Primary packing/Embalaje primario:
Individually wrapped pack (IWP).
Polyethylene bag.1 piece per-bag. / Embalaje
de polietileno. 1 pieza en bolsa individual.
Secondary packing/Embalaje secundario:
Autoformable box with polyethylene sheet. Sale
to weight / Caja autoformable con lámina de
polietileno. Venta al peso.
Beef Chuck Tender Steak in stock the name comes from its shape—long and narrow with a pointed tip, similar to a Tenderloin—rather than its tenderness.
The thew is very lean and should be slow-cooked rather than roasted or grilled. Chuck tender is detected in the scapular region, lying lateral to the blade bone on the cranial side of the blade ridge with the rib cage (plate).
It is separated from the surface muscles covering the scapular area and removed by cutting from the blade bone surface (fossa supraspinatus), blade ridge and scapular tissue. beef chuck tender roast near me
It may be prepared with or without the stimulate tissue cover.
It is from the beef chuck original, consisting of the supraspinatus muscle, which is situated forward of the large chuck subprimal known as the shoulder clod.
It’s sometimes called a mock tender, scotch tender, chuck eye, medallion pot roast, or petite tender. This large primal comes from the elbow area and yields cut known for their rich, beefy flavor.
Features roast ideal for slow-cooking as well as more tender, grill-ready cuts such as the Flat Iron Steak. n general, it’s best for stewing, slow cooking, braising, or pot roasts.
With the right recipe, you’ll be able to turn this tough cut into a dish that makes it taste as if it comes straight from a fancy restaurant.
Español: Corte ubicado en la región escapular. Ocupa la fosa supraespinosa en la región anterior de la escápula, por delante de la espina de dicho hueso.
Se separa de los músculos superficiales de la región escapular y se remueve, mediante un corte a cuchillo, de su inserción en la fosa supraespinosa, espina escapular y cartílago escapular.
Puede prepararse sin el tejido conjuntivo de cobertura.
中医:位于肩胛骨区,位于刃骨的外侧,与肋骨(板)呈脊状。 它从覆盖肩胛骨区域的浅表肌肉中分离出来,并通过从刃骨表面(冈上窝)、刃脊和肩胛软骨上切下去除。 它可以在有或没有结缔组织覆盖物的情况下制备。
‘大块嫩肉’ 这种切口的名称来自它的形状——长而窄,尖端尖,类似于里脊肉——而不是它的嫩度。肌肉非常瘦,应该慢煮而不是烤或烤。它位于肩胛骨区域,与肋骨(板)一起位于刀片颅侧的刀片骨的侧面。它从覆盖肩胛骨区域的浅表肌肉中分离出来,并通过从刃骨表面(冈上窝)、刃脊和肩胛软骨上切割去除。它可以在有或没有结缔组织覆盖物的情况下制备。
Tancredo Neves Avenue, 365 Cascavel PR.
BRASIL CHICKEN BRANDS imports and exports meat products. The company is based in Brazil. BRASIL CHICKEN BRANDS operates as expert in frozen chicken trading.
Mon – Sat: 8 am – 8 pm,
Sunday: CLOSED
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