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buy pork breast bone 买猪胸骨

Brasil Chicken Brands consistently provides Frozen Pork Flank, Rind-On and Red and White Meat, and other premium pig cuts from Fresh production.

Your order will be packaged with care in a biodegradable foam-insulated box with ice packs to maintain the right temperature.

Top-quality A-grade, 100% health certified, prompt delivery, and discount prices. contact us for full product details.

Buy Pork Breast Bone Online

One of the most popular varieties of pork ribs the pork breast bone in stock. Spare ribs get their name from the meager quantity of flesh that present on the bone.

The belly side of the rib cage, between the back ribs and above the breast bone,where the spare ribs are placed.

As result of being cut extreme close the bone, spare ribs retain relatively little meat. Typically, rack of medium spare ribs weighs 4.8 pounds and up. The plus they contain more fat and have a better mix of meat and fat.

Spare ribs are cut from the lower portion of the pig and include 11 to 13 long bones per rack. pork breast meat in stock

Ribs                                                            Frozen pork breast bone

They work great  smoker or the oven for long periods of time to help the fat melt away to leave a tender juicy rib.

Breast Pork Belly for Sale

I’ll be truthful

To quickly master barbecue ribs, learn about the four common cuts of pig ribs and how they are butchered and trimmed.

Have a coffee (or a beer), relax, and discover everything there is to know about the various kinds of pork ribs.

Product Specification.
Frozen Pork Specifications:
Detailed Description:
– Washed and clean.
– No blood.
– No bad smell.
– White skin.
– No bruises.
– No broken bones
– Moisture content: less thann 3%.
– No black pads.
– Drainage: 0 to -5°C for 8 hours.
– No traces of carved deep wounds.
– No ammonia burns.
– Blasted at: -40°C.
– Storage at: -20°C
– 100% Fresh and Frozen
– Duringg Transportation: minus 10~15C
-Shelf Life: 12 -24 months from production date
Safe for human consumption

Frozen pork breast bone