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Pork belly bone in skin on 带皮的五花肉骨头

Pork belly bone in skin on 带皮的五花肉骨头

Brasil Chicken Brands consistently provides Frozen Pork Flank, Rind-On and Red and White Meat, and other premium pig cuts from Fresh production.

Your order will be packaged with care in a biodegradable foam-insulated box with ice packs to maintain the right temperature.

Top-quality A-grade, 100% health certified, prompt delivery, and discount prices. contact us for full product details.

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Buy Bone in Pork Belly Online

We are delighted to provide you the popular meat product called bone in pork belly skin on. There are numerous variations of it.

You’ve found the proper site if you’re looking for bone-in, skin-on, flank-off pork belly.

You may be confident that you’ll only get the best items from us because all of our meats are of the highest caliber.

We are prepare to exce your expectations when  comes  pork belly for your domestic or commercial needs. bone in pork belly ribs

Our bone-in, skin-on pork bellies weigh roughly 15 lbs each and are only sold as a whole chunk. The St. Louis ribs still linked to the belly are the bones on the belly.

pork belly with bone                                                                   Pork Belly - Pork - Meat & Seafood

Bone in Pork Belly for sale

Pork cuts like this are excellent for experimenting with. A entire pork belly is something that many people have never even seen. This how bacon is produced.

Even in markets that I go frequently, I frequently spend a couple of hours browsing the aisles of grocery stores because they interest me. pork belly bone in skin on near me

My spouse sometimes finds it annoying when he has to go shopping with me, but I always say, “I’m conducting research!” I’ve learnt over the years to save such really lengthy research trips for when I’m shopping by myself.

Product Specification.
Frozen Pork Specifications:
Detailed Description:
– Washed and clean.
– No blood.
– No bad smell.
– White skin.
– No bruises.
– No broken bones
– Moisture content: less thann 3%.
– No black pads.
– Drainage: 0 to -5°C for 8 hours.
– No traces of carved deep wounds.
– No ammonia burns.
– Blasted at: -40°C.
– Storage at: -20°C
– 100% Fresh and Frozen
– Duringg Transportation: minus 10~15C
-Shelf Life: 12 -24 months from production date
Safe for human consumption

Pork Belly for Sale

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